In a world filled with templates, frameworks, and formulas, it’s easy to fall into the trap of sameness. From automated processes to predictable strategies, the allure of efficiency can sometimes come at the cost of individuality. But as I reflect on the path to owning my craft, I realize that the true value lies in breaking the mold, not fitting into it.
Templates have their place—they provide structure, save time, and create order. But when we over-rely on them, we risk losing the essence of what makes our work, and our selves, unique.
When you think about your resume - did it come from a template? Does it feel like a template?
When you wait for LinkedIn to open sometimes, you notice its template forming into the content look and feel before your eyes. Your LinkedIn profile has become a template of your resume, which was already a template dictated by someone who recommended no more than two pages.
Here’s the question: Are you living as a reflection of your unique values and creativity, or have you become a template?
NOW: Realization and Reflection for Today
The pull to conform is stronger than ever. Social media offers ready-made aesthetics. Business tools promote plug-and-play strategies. Even our daily routines can become repetitive patterns that leave little room for creativity or deviation.
But the danger of becoming a template isn’t just losing originality—it’s losing agency. When we mimic instead of create, we let external influences shape our narrative.
And, this will only become exacerbated with AI turning pattern language into templated responses.
Today, take a moment to reflect:
Are your choices driven by authenticity or convenience?
What aspects of your work or life feel templated, and why?
The Now is an invitation to pause, to notice where your individuality has been overshadowed by routine, and to recommit to showing up as your authentic self.
NEW: Learning and Experimentation for Tomorrow
To step out of the template, we need to experiment, to challenge the patterns that have become second nature.
Here are three ways to break free:
Revisit Your “Why”
Strip back the layers of habit and ask yourself: Why do I approach this task, project, or decision the way I do? If the answer is “because it’s what’s always been done,” it’s time to rethink.Add a Personal Twist
Whether it’s in your writing, meetings, or even how you approach your day, infuse something uniquely yours. It could be a new perspective, a bold risk, or a fresh idea-breaking convention.Discard What No Longer Fits
Templates often hold remnants of old goals or systems that no longer serve us. What can you let go of to make space for something more aligned with who you are now?
What’s one small experiment you can try tomorrow to disrupt the template?
How can you reintroduce your voice, your style, and your perspective into your work and life?
NEXT: Vision for Future Possibilities
Imagine a future where you aren’t constrained by templates but guided by intention. Instead of following a script, you’re creating one. Your work stands out because it reflects your unique blend of experience, creativity, and values—not a pre-made formula.
This doesn’t mean rejecting structure entirely. It means using templates as tools, not limits. They provide a starting point, but the magic happens when you go beyond them.
In this future, you’re not just another version of what’s been done before—you’re a shaper, a creator, a contributor of something entirely new.
Ask yourself:
What future could you create by rejecting the template and embracing your authentic voice?
How can you become a model for others who seek to break free from conformity?
Payoff: Owning Your Unique Narrative
The risk of becoming a template isn’t just about losing originality—it’s about losing the opportunity to truly own your craft, your story, and your life.
In the Now, you reclaim your awareness, noticing where patterns have taken over.
In the New, you experiment, breaking free from routines that no longer serve you.
In the Next, you design a future where your authenticity shines, unbound by templates.
Ask yourself: What story do I want to tell, and how can I make it uniquely mine?
By stepping out of the template, you create a narrative that is not only yours but one that inspires others to do the same.
"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
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If you are seeking a way to optimize your story in uncertain times, book a free consultation with me, and let's consider the possibilities.
I am a creator and my craft is to help others find and design their unique form of self-expression. For companies, it is about alignment around a Narrative Northstar and the mission to achieve it. For executives over 45, it is about owning your personal narrative and helping you to own it.
Do you want to fit in or stand out? For that is where the magic exists.
As someone who has always "done it my way," I really appreciate the perspectives shared here. Keep the good stuff coming.
Inspiring Tobin, TY
may 2025 be a year where more of us become
“a shaper, a creator, a contributor of something entirely new.”