(7 minute read)
Today, I happened upon three distinctly different pieces of content to start my Sunday morning. I have come to think of Sunday as Serendipity Sunday - a day of discovery, to be present and to take in the messages received to make sense of them.
It is fitting for a Narratologist to want to apply a narrative lens to combine divergent thoughts into one concept that makes sense. I have come to learn that “the ability to hold or consider multiple thoughts simultaneously is called “dialectical thinking” or “integrative complexity”.
Wow. Who knew? I think I will just simplify that to “integrative thinking”. I have always operated that way. Maddening or a gift? I suspect most people would better relate to the concept of “connect the dots” as an easier way to express this capacity.
If I apply this to my Narrative Framework - I call this my Modality Lens. My lens statement for that term is “By understanding different modalities, I can enhance collaboration and productivity through better expression.”
It started with a text from my son Spencer, I was stunned and simultaneously proud of what he wrote. Harry Chapin, “Cats in the Cradle” immediately played in my mind's eye - “My Son, was just like me”.
Spencer’s writing was completely unprompted by my wife or me. It was something he had been working on with his amazing art therapist teachers at Creative Identity - a wonderful non-profit organization that works with Adults with Special Needs to develop life skills through Art and Music Therapy.
Spencer had effectively created an Artist Statement. Something that I had written about in my Alice in Wonderland post a few weeks ago. If you ever met or know Spencer you would be amazed by his fun-loving and happy spirit. It is a gift that makes being a Special Needs Adult parent so unique.
He teaches us a different way to process our world. His lens is simple, yet filled with complexity and wonderment. He has “Rainman” memory qualities (a term from the movie Rainman with Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman). He never forgets a phone number, a street address, or a memory with a date. Yet, he just wants to make people laugh and smile. He is a hambone at heart. And, quick to play you a Ukulele version of “Happy Birthday” on your special day.
Spencer has figured out his form of expression. He taught us a lesson. Now it is our job to help him realize that.
Paul Baier’s excellent post on GAI and its impact on Tyler Perry indefinitely pausing his $800M studio expansion hit a chord - primarily because I consider what I do to be at risk of being replaced by AI. I am “In the crucible”. As are many of us in the marketing game. Paul’s industry WINS framework laid out time to impact by industry context.
You may see yourself in this framework.
Paul cited his co-authored article in HBS that further described the framework below. The WINS framework in this HBS article defines a time to impact by the type of work. The concept of work has been a deep learning curve for me over the last four years, as many of my clients were in the Future of Work zone.
I lived in the cracks of Humans, Human Capital, and Human Connection from a kaleidoscope of angles.
As I was processing this visual and thinking about (i) my craft, (ii) my vision for how I intend to use GAI, and (iii) my client relationships, I channeled my text from Spencer. At the end of the day, my Jobs to be Done (JTBD) is to help humans connect better with each other. Period.
I understand how business works (40 years of combined corporate, startup, and leadership wisdom). I understand that my thinking is horizontal. I have always been a cross-pollinator and integrated thinker. And, more recently, I have been learning more about how people think and aspire to fit into society as individuals who want to make a difference. The blurring of humans at work, humans at play, and humans in pursuit of a journey are now squarely in focus.
When you apply the WINS framework to a company and the individuals who make up a company, they and we are no longer diametrically opposing sides. It is now a race to shore up, upskill, and find a common alignment for how to progress in this new tectonic shift. It is now a collective effort and how we best articulate that to each other is the new game.
Like COVID before it, we are all being impacted at the same time. The famous William Gibson line “The future is here - It’s just not evenly distributed” looms large for 2024 and beyond. Tectonic shifts are caused by friction. Those who understand their friction - what I refer to as Resistance - are the ones who will figure out the path forward.
The third piece of content to hit my radar was this super-clarifying article by Ashu Garg on how $100M ARR (Annual Recurring Revenue) is the best measure of startup success. The shift from being a Unicorn (based on Valuation) vs. a Centaur (based on your ARR).
You may be asking yourself, what does this have to do with #1 and #2 above? The integrative thinking here is the fact that I work across all of Ashu’s stages. The $0 - $1M ARR phase (young startups trying to find market fit; the $1M - $10M ARR phase (have market fit, now dealing with team transitions) and $10M - $100M ARR phase (marching towards sustainable growth and potential exit or public formulation).
Over the years, I have been an executive in each of these phases and now I have worked as a Narratologist with companies in these phases, as well as public companies who are on the other side. Ironically, some of those public companies are still in the $10M to $100M ARR phase. And, many of my executives who I work with on their personal narrative fall into one of these phases.
The parameters and observations that Ashu lays out in his article are based on observations learned throughout working across those phases. There are both commonalities and mutually exclusive patterns, but I would agree that many times the red thread is common regardless of the industry, category, or phase.
It generally comes back to the human and the narrative parts of the company. Are those two key parts aligned and do you have fit? Fit can be defined as market fit, customer fit, employee fit, executive fit, and or cultural fit. [Author note: Each of those will be future post onto themselves.]
You live with all three of these modalities. On one hand, you have to understand your self-expression. It is how you show up in the world. It is how people make sense of your contribution, your intention, and your ultimate value.
You also need to think about how you are going to participate in the tectonic shift of GAI. The hype can be considered over-hype by some and under-hype by others. I believe that the truth will lie somewhere in the middle, with a swinging skew back and forth over the next 12 - 24 months. The advancements being made are insanely fast compared to historical standards.
And finally, you need to know what game you are in. If you are in a startup, you are going to thrive or die based on your ability to achieve a $100M ARR. It is becoming the metric that valuation and hiring practices are going to be shaped around. And, the unfettered truth is, GAI will be a part of that shaping. If you are in a public company, your ARR will be a subset of what Wall Street analysts think it should be.
The idea of Human Capital is a purposeful term we all want to understand better. The reality is CEOs are incentivized to think about Humans as part of a Supply Chain consideration, which looks more like a modality of options that range from FTEs to Contractors, to SMEs, to Automation decisions.
I see these as tensions to be resolved between how we value human contributions and the financial, and performance systems currently in place. Do you know your modalities and can you express where you see yourself?
NOW (How you are realizing this today)
Do you have a personal statement of some kind?
If yes, is that consistent across all of your modalities?
If not, have you done an audit on how you show up across all of your modalities?
NEW (How you will realize this tomorrow)
Can you craft your personal statement by May 1?
What are you currently doing with GAI?
What game are you in concerning your company's ARR?
NEXT (I see a world in which)
I see a world in which my talent will become augmented with GAI to create a more enhanced zone of genius that I can operate in every day.
“What I do is unusual: chordal movements that have never been used before, changing keys and modalities mid-song.” ~ Joni Mitchell
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