Nice clarity of Agility

Toby Culshaw…”But agility isn't just about speed - it's about innovation at the pace of thought”

Love this!

Toby Trevarthen…“It just so happens that, several years ago, I designed a strategic narrative for a video streaming platform that was innovating solutions that delivered video streams at 150 milliseconds or less (undetectable to the human eye).  After some additional digging, I discovered that 150 milliseconds is the scientific definition of the “speed of thought”.  “

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https://www.red5.net/ - has really leaned into the notion of the speed of thought. This led to a product naming convention of "True Time Solutions" - that reflected the true real-time nature of delivering sub-one-second streams. It is rewarding to see your bleeding edge work validated years later.

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Very cool! Thanks for sharing.

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