Happy Almost Thanksgiving. It is the time of year when we give thanks to our friends and family, to those who came before us, and to those who inspire us.
I want to thank Karen Monaghan for inspiring this week’s newsletter. Her reframing of the term impossible to I’mpossible in a recent post caught my attention. Karen is a 60-something entrepreneur focused on removing single-use plastic cups from the planet. Her movement is called Our Kinds.
Today, Our Kinds is changing the game in Australia - targeting the removal of 1.8B single-use plastic cups per year. This is a heavy lift, requiring Karen and her team to reframe the idea of recycling to the behavior of reusing cups. An entire supply chain needs to be transformed and Karen is marshalling her years of experience to make this happen.
Now it is your turn. How are you redefining relevance?
NOW: The Realization
The word impossible has always been an immovable wall—a declaration that the odds are stacked too high. But what happens when you add an apostrophe? Suddenly, the narrative shifts: I’mpossible. What was a limitation becomes a declaration. This small change transforms a passive defeat into an active affirmation.
For those 50 and over, the word impossible can feel particularly daunting. The world seems to move faster, the buzzwords grow louder, and the perception of relevance feels harder to hold onto. But here’s the truth: relevance isn’t about keeping up; it’s about breaking through.
We each hold the power to reframe the narrative—to turn impossible into I’mpossible.
Today, take a moment to ask yourself: What belief, expectation, or fear has been keeping you boxed in?
Now imagine opening that box with the simple declaration: I’mpossible.
NEW: The Experimentation
Reframing your mindset is the first step, but experimentation is where confidence is built. Confidence isn’t a precondition for action—it’s the result of it. To take that first leap toward a breakout moment, consider these practical steps:
Revisit a Bold Idea You Shelved
Think about a project, goal, or ambition you abandoned—not because it wasn’t worth pursuing, but because the timing felt wrong or the obstacles seemed insurmountable. Dust it off, and ask yourself what’s different now.
Build a Coalition of Belief
Surround yourself with people who see your possibilities, not your limitations. Share your I’mpossible story with a trusted colleague or friend who can hold you accountable and amplify your confidence. Did you get the “you’re crazy” comment? You should consider that music to your ears.
Take One Intentional Risk
Often, the greatest leaps forward come not from giant strides but from a single, intentional step outside of your comfort zone. Sign up for that course, propose that unconventional idea, or start that passion project.
The goal isn’t perfection—it’s momentum. With each step, you prove to yourself that you’re not just relevant; you’re unstoppable. See Karen above.
NEXT: The Vision
Imagine a future where “confidence” is no longer about comparing yourself to the pace of the world but about trusting in your ability to adapt, grow, and create. This isn’t just reinvention; it’s reinvigoration.
In this future, your relevance isn’t measured by how well you mimic trends but by the strength of your unique contributions. You are possible because you’ve committed to shaping a life and legacy that are distinctly yours.
I’mpossible is more than a mindset; it’s a movement—a refusal to let fear of irrelevance dictate the terms of your life. With every bold action, you declare to yourself and the world that you are far from done.
THE PAYOFF: A Future Mirror
As discussed a few newsletters ago, a Future Mirror is a call for action grounded in wisdom, encouraging readers to shape their lives with an eye on both the present and the distant horizon.
Take a moment to stand in front of your future mirror. What would your I’mpossible story look like if you started today?
This isn’t the end of your relevance. It’s the start of your breakout moment.
"Forever is composed of nows." ~ Emily Dickinson, poems 690
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If you are seeking a way to optimize your story in a changing world, book a free consultation with me, and let's consider the possibilities.
I am a creator and my craft is to help others find and design their unique form of self-expression. For companies, it is about alignment around a Narrative Northstar and the mission to achieve it. For executives over 45, it is about owning your narrative and helping you to own it. The ultimate quest is to align the executive and the narrative by redefining relevance. For that is where the magic exists.
The shift from "impossible" to "I'mpossible" is such a clever and empowering reframe—it’s like turning a dead end into an open door. But even with reframing, I’ve found that deeper patterns can still hold us back from fully believing it’s possible. Things like fear of failure or imposter syndrome can keep that “I’mpossible” feeling just out of reach. When those deeper blocks are cleared, though, it’s amazing how naturally that belief falls into place. Curious—how do you think this reframe works for those struggling with those inner hurdles?
Tobin, Love how you show us how to reframe our perceptions, especially for those of us “over 50” LOL
“relevance isn’t about keeping up; it’s about breaking through”
“Imagine a future where “confidence” is no longer about comparing yourself to the pace of the world but about trusting in your ability to adapt, grow, and create. This isn’t just reinvention; it’s reinvigoration.”
This is the way we can find purpose at any age! TY