
Such a rich post with so many truism. If I had only known this when I was coming-of-age in the 80s, what a difference that would have made.

TY for sharing these insights and guidance with to us today as we continue to navigate our ways. I canโ€™t imagine how Toffler had these insights decades ago, but he did. More than I could understand or integrate back in the 80s, but it did inform me that the future was going to be different.

Your work with owning our own narrative is so empowering. TY

p.s. Your images are so compelling! It is a delight to pause and see what is there in each one you (and AI ๐Ÿ˜‰) create!

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Thank you for your thoughtful response. I am glad the mosaics are having that kind of impact. I am going to turn the mosaics into a book and hopefully an exhibit at some point.

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Love the idea of presenting your mosaics in additional settings. How cool!

They really do add depth to what you are sharing. I love a post that causes me to ponder, LOL.

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"The future will not slow down, nor will uncertainty abate. But with your narrative as your guide, you are not a passive recipient of change. You are its architect." - this phrase deeply resonated within me. It's empowering! Thank you for yet another nugget of wisdom, Tobin.

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So glad to hear those words hit a nerve. Thanks for the comments.

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